Casino Definition

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A card game for two to four players in which cards on the table are matched by cards in the hand.
A public room or building for gambling and other entertainment.

Casino & Gambling Glossary - Find out the meaning of gambling and casino games terms in our comprehensive guide covering on and off line gaming. Casino site overview assists you to recognize more concerning any type of certain website and all those functions supplied by that website. Each on the internet casino site supplies you a range of video games that additionally include eye-catching promotions that entice you to play with them. Casino (n.) 1744, 'public room for music or dancing,' from Italian casino, literally 'a little house,' diminutive of casa 'house,' from Latin casa 'hut, cottage, cabin,' which is of uncertain origin. The card game (also cassino) is attested by that name from 1792. Essentially, it is a perk given when a player generates sufficient theoretical (or in some cases, actual) revenue for the casino. The casino may extend an offer of free slot play, meals, tickets to a show, gifts and/or reimbursement for travel expenses as a reward and incentive to continue to play. This doesn't refer to the. Transaction reporting. Currency transactions that occur within a single Gaming Day (the normal 24-hour period that any casino uses for accounting and business reporting), whether the currency is paid into the casino, paid out, or exchanged (in the case of foreign currency exchanges), in excess of $10,000 requires the completion of a Currency Transaction Report (CTR, FinCEN Form 112) and must.

A public room or building for entertainments, dancing, or, now specif., gambling.
A card game for two to four players in which the object is to use cards in the hand to take cards or combinations of cards exposed on the table.
A public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling.
A card game for two to four players. (Also spelled cassino.)

Origin of casino

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Italian country club, hunting lodge, casinofrom diminutive ofcasahousefrom Latin cottage, hut, humble dwelling