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NUM is one of the leading public universities in Cambodia and is conveniently located in the city center of Phnom Penh. Our vision statement is “Excellence in Academics.” This vision represents our strong commitment to the importance of quality based education and research which will help to facilitate our country’s transition to a. The numeric type classes (class Num and those that lie below it) account for many of the standard Haskell classes. We also note that Num is a subclass of Eq, but not of Ord; this is because the order predicates do not apply to complex numbers. The subclass Real of Num, however, is a subclass of Ord as well.

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Welcome to the National University of Management (NUM). NUM is one of the leading public universities in Cambodia and is conveniently located in the city center of Phnom Penh.

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In order to achieve this vision, we are trying to improve the academic environment and upgrade our campus with modern facilities in which faculty members and students can develop and dedicate themselves to education and research at a global level.

I sincerely hope that our faculty members endeavor to do their best in both education and research. It is very important that we adopt a student-centered approach to education to better meet our student’s needs and expectations.

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(nŭm)adj.numb·er, numb·est
1. Deprived of the power to feel or move normally; benumbed: toes numb with cold; too numb with fear to cry out.
2. Emotionally unresponsive; indifferent: numb to yet another appeal.
tr. & intr.v.numbed, numb·ing, numbs
[Middle English nome, variant of nomin, past participle of nimen, to seize, from Old English niman; see nem- in Indo-European roots.]
numb′ness n.
Word History: Old English had a number of strong verbs (often loosely called 'irregular' verbs) that did not survive into Modern English. One such was the verb niman, 'to take,' later replaced by take, a borrowing from Old Norse. The verb had a past tense nam and a past participle numen; if the verb had survived, it would likely have become nim, nam, num, like swim, swam, swum. Although we do not have the verb as such anymore, its past participle is alive and well, now spelled numb, literally 'taken, seized,' as by cold or grief. (The older spelling without the b is still seen in the compound numskull.) The verb also lives on indirectly in the word nimble, which used to mean 'quick to take,' and then later 'light, quick on one's feet.'
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(nʌm) adj
2. unable to move; paralysed
3. characteristic of or resembling numbness: a numb sensation.
vb (tr)
[C15: nomen, literally: taken (with paralysis), from Old English niman to take; related to Old Norse nema, Old High German niman]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


adj. numb•er, numb•est,
v. Numberadj.
1. deprived of sensation, as by anesthesia: fingers numb with cold.
3. to make numb.
[1400–50; late Middle English nome literally, taken, seized, variant of nomen, numen, Old English numen, past participle of niman to take; see nim]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: numbed
Gerund: numbing
I numb
you numb
he/she/it numbs
we numb
you numb
they numb
I numbed
you numbed
he/she/it numbed
we numbed
you numbed
they numbed
Present Continuous
I am numbing
you are numbing
he/she/it is numbing
we are numbing
you are numbing
they are numbing
Present Perfect
I have numbed
you have numbed
he/she/it has numbed
we have numbed
you have numbed
they have numbed
Past Continuous
I was numbing
you were numbing
he/she/it was numbing
we were numbing
you were numbing
they were numbing
Past Perfect
I had numbed
you had numbed
he/she/it had numbed
we had numbed
you had numbed
they had numbed
I will numb
you will numb
he/she/it will numb
we will numb
you will numb
they will numb
Future Perfect
I will have numbed
you will have numbed
he/she/it will have numbed
we will have numbed
you will have numbed
they will have numbed
Future Continuous
I will be numbing
you will be numbing
he/she/it will be numbing
we will be numbing
you will be numbing
they will be numbing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been numbing
you have been numbing
he/she/it has been numbing
we have been numbing
you have been numbing
they have been numbing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been numbing
you will have been numbing
he/she/it will have been numbing
we will have been numbing
you will have been numbing
they will have been numbing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been numbing
you had been numbing
he/she/it had been numbing
we had been numbing
you had been numbing
they had been numbing
I would numb
you would numb
he/she/it would numb
we would numb
you would numb
they would numb
Past Conditional
I would have numbed
you would have numbed
he/she/it would have numbed
we would have numbed
you would have numbed
they would have numbed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Verb1.numb - make numb or insensitive; 'The shock numbed her senses'
benumb, blunt, dull
desensitise, desensitize - cause not to be sensitive; 'The war desensitized many soldiers'; 'The photographic plate was desensitized'
Adj.1.numb - lacking sensation; 'my foot is asleep'; 'numb with cold'
insensible - incapable of physical sensation; 'insensible to pain'; 'insensible earth'
2.numb - (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; 'passersby were dead to our plea for help'; 'numb to the cries for mercy'
insensitive - deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive; 'insensitive to the needs of the patients'
3.numb - so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror; petrified; 'too numb with fear to move'
afraid - filled with fear or apprehension; 'afraid even to turn his head'; 'suddenly looked afraid'; 'afraid for his life'; 'afraid of snakes'; 'afraid to ask questions'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.unfeeling, dead, frozen, paralysed, insensitive, deadened, immobilized, torpid, insensible, benumbedHis legs felt numb and his toes ached.
unfeelingfeeling, sensitive, responsive
2.stupefied, deadened, unfeeling, insensibleThe mother, numb with grief, had trouble speaking.
1.stun, knock out, paralyse, daze, stupefyFor a while the shock of his letter numbed her.
2.deaden, freeze, dull, paralyse, immobilize, benumbThe cold numbed my fingers.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Lacking physical feeling or sensitivity:
2. Lacking responsiveness or alertness:
benumbed, dull, insensible, insensitive, stuporous, torpid, unresponsive, wooden.
verbNumérologie1. To render less sensitive:
Idiom: take the edge off.
2. To render helpless, as by emotion:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
dofinn, tilfinningalausdofna


1. (with cold) → entumecido
my legs feel numb (from bad circulation etc) → se me han dormido las piernas
my fingers have gone numb (gen) → se me han dormido los dedos; (with cold) → se me han entumecido los dedos
my feet were numb with coldtenía los piesentumecidos de frío
2. (fig) (with fear, shock) → paralizado
to be numb with frightestar paralizado de miedo
when I heard about the accident I just felt numbcuando me enterédelaccidente me quedéatontadoor sin poder reaccionar
1. (= deaden) (with injection) → adormecer
the cold wind numbed my faceel vientofrío me dejó la caraentumecida
alcohol was the only thing that numbed the pain (fig) → el alcohol era la únicacosa que aplacaba el dolor
repeated images of violence have numbed people to the reality of warla contínua exposición a escenasviolentas ha insensibilizadoa lagentefrentea larealidadde laguerra
2. (= stun) → atontar
I was numbed by the news of his deathla noticia de su muerte me dejóatontadoor sin poder reaccionar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[fingers, toes, leg, arm] → engourdi(e)
to go numb → s'engourdir
My leg's gone numb → J'ai les jambesengourdies.
to grow numb → s'engourdir
to feel numb → être engourdi(e)
to be numb with cold [person] → être transi(e), être transi(e) de froid
(= unable to react) → paralysé(e)
numb with fear → transi(e) de peur, paralysé(e) par lapeur
numb with shock →
numb with grief → paralysé(e) de douleur
[cold, anaesthetic] → engourdir
The cold numbed my fingers → Le froidengourdissait mes doigts.
to numb the pain → atténuer la douleur
[shock, bad experience, grief] [+ person] → paralyser
For a while the shock of Philip's letter numbed her → Après avoir lu la lettre de Philip, elle resta sous le choc pendant un moment.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)taub, empfindungslos, gefühllos; feelingtaub; (emotionally) → benommen, wie betäubt; hands numb with coldHände, die vor Kältetauborgefühllos sind; numb with griefstarror wie betäubt vor Schmerz; numb with disbeliefstarr vor Ungläubigkeit
vt (cold) → tauborgefühllosmachen; (injection, fig) → betäuben; numbed with fear/griefstarr vor Furcht/Schmerz
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


a. (fingers) → intorpidito/a
numb with cold → intirizzito/a (dal freddo)
my leg has gone numb → mi si è intorpidita una gamba
b. (fig) numb with (fear, grief) → paralizzato/a da, impietrito/a da
the cold numbs you as soon as you step outside → appena si esce si restaparalizzati dal freddo
b. (fig) → rendere insensibile
she drinks to numb her grief → beve per attenuare il dolore
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(nam) adjective
not able to feel or move. My arm has gone numb; She was numb with cold. lam حَدِر، فاقِد الحِس изтръпнал entorpecido ochromený, zkřehlý taub følelsesløs μουδιασμένοςentumecido, insensible tuim, kange سست puutunut engourdiרדום सुन्न ukočen zsibbadt kebas dofinn, tilfinningalaus intorpidito, intirizzito しびれた (손발이) 저린, 언, 마비된 nutirpęs, sustiręs, nustėręs nejutīgs; notirpis kebas verstijfdfølelsesløs, stiv av kuldeścierpnięty, skostniały سست،ضعيف dormente amorţit онемелый; окоченевший skrehnutý odrevenel utrnuo domnad, stel ชา uyşuk, uyuşmuş, hissizleşmiş 麻木的 заціпенілий, онімілий بے حس، سُن tê cóng; chết lặng 麻木的

Num Lock

to make numb. The cold numbed her fingers. verlam يُخَدِّر، يُفْقِدُ الحِس изтръпвам entorpecer ochromit, znecitlivět taub machen gøre følelsesløs μουδιάζω, παραλύωentumecer tuimestama کرخ کردن .سست شدن puuduttaa engourdir לְהַרדִים सुन्न कर देना umrtvljen elzsibbaszt mengebaskan dofna intorpidire, intirizzire しびれさせる 마비시키다 (su)stingdyti, (pa)daryti nejuntamą, nejautrų padarīt nejutīgu; stindzināt mengebaskan verstijvengjøre følelsesløs, få til å stivne sparaliżować كرخ كيدل،سړيدل adormecer a amorţi вызывать онемение/окоченение znecitlivieť ohromiti utrnuti få att domna (stelna) ทำให้ชา uyuşturmak, hissizleştirmek 使麻木, 使失去感覺 спричинити оніміння, задубіння سُن کرنا làm tê cóng; chết lặng 使麻木,使失去知觉
ˈnumbly adverb
verlamd بِتَخَدُّر، بِفُقدان الحِس изтръпнало entorpecido ochromeně, zkřehle taub følelsesløst μουδιασμένα torpemente tuimalt بطور بيحس puutuneesti d'une manière engourdie חֲסַר תְחוּשָה स्तब्धता से, संज्ञाहीनतापूर्वक ukočeno zsibbadtan kebas dauflega; eins og dofinn insensibilmente しびれて 마비되어 sustingęs, sustiręs nejutīgi; stingi dalam keadaan kebas gevoelloosstivt, følelsesløst w odrętwieniu په بى حسى سره como que paralisado amorţit онемело skrehnuto odrevenelo utrnulo avdomnat, stelt อย่างไร้ความรู้สึก uyuşmuş bir şekilde 麻木地 оніміло بے حسي سے lặng người 麻木地
ˈnumbness noun
verlamtheid تَخَدُّر، فُقْدان الحِس изтръпваност entorpecimento otupělost, znecitlivění die Taubheit følelsesløshed μούδιασμαentumecimiento tuimus خدر؛ تخدير puutuminen engourdissement חוֹסֶר תְחוּשָה जड़ता, स्तब्धता, संज्ञाहीनता ukočenost, mrtvilo zsibbadtság keadaan kebas dofi, tilfinningaleysi intorpidimento しびれ 마비됨 sustingimas, sustirimas nejutīgums; stingums; tirpas kekebasan gevoelloosheidfølelsesløshet, stivhet odrętwienie بى حسى dormência amorţeală нечувствительность;окоченелость znecitlivenie odrevenelost utrnulost domning, stelhet การไร้ความรู้สึก uyuşukluk, uyuşma, hissizlik 麻木, 無感覺 заціпеніння, нечутливість بے حسي tình trạng tê cóng; chết lặng người 麻木,麻痹
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


خَدِرٌ ztuhlý følelsesløsempfindungslosNumérologieμουδιασμένοςentumecido tunnotonengourdiNumérologie umrtvljeninsensibile 感覚のない 저린verstijfdnummenzdrętwiałydormenteонемелый domnad ชาuyuşuk

Num Lock On Keyboard

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. [extremity] entumecido-a, adormecido-a; aturdido-a;
I feel ___Me siento entumecido-a; me siento aturdido-a.


adj dormido; to getobecome — dormirse; Do your hands get numb?..¿Se le duermen las manos?; vt (tambiénto — up) anestesiar, dormir; I’m going to numb up your finger..Le voy a anestesiar (dormir) el dedo.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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