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Additional information about MP4 file format

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File extension.MP4
File categoryVIDEO
Additional information aboutMP4 is the official file name for MPEG-4 part 14 and is a multimedia container format commonly used to store audio and video but can also store other data such as subtitles and still images
Additional information
Useful links
File conversionConvert a file to MP4
DeveloperMoving Picture Experts Group
Associated programsApple Quick Time Player Microsoft Windows Media Player Video Lan VLC Media Player

Additional information about MPEG file format

File extension.MPEG
File categoryVIDEO
Additional information aboutMPEG file extension is a moving picture experts group’s video file. Videos in MPEG format are compressed using either MPEG 2 or MPEG 1 compression. It is popular online distribution because they can be streamed and downloaded quicker than most other video formats.
Additional information
Useful links
File conversionConvert a file to MPEG
DeveloperISO, IEC
Associated programsVideo LAN VLC media player Windows media player

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